Monday, July 20, 2009

Friday, Sunday

The first 2 are from today: 'I' pretending to play volleyball, and 'M' got a ride on this toy at the playground. She wants to do everything that her brother and sister do.


On friday I attempted to get some good sh0ts of E and M. Here are a couple fo my favorites.



Tess said...

Cuteness x2! I love those shots of the girls!

EtudeinLight said...

Fun family pictures at the park! I really like W and M gliding throught the air. That rock area is a nice place for outdoor portraits. Crisp photos!

Julie said...


Awesome photos, as usual!

Sure wish we lived closer so you could give me some pointers!

Hope all is well your way!

Grandma said...

They're all so cute! New favorites for me!

Eric L said...

Looks good! And the second had me laughing, on the monkey bars!

Unknown said...

Great photos! That one of E is just gorgeous!

Sandra said...

The monkey bar one is a fun one and what a great shot of your 2 girls together. Very nice.