Here I am with E. She took several photos of me that day. We had the camera on a tripod and she stood on a sturdy stepladder. Thanks E!
We had a major rain storm eariler in the week. In just minutes that streets were covered with water. Here's a few shots of the drama! :)

We went out to my in-law's to pick berries one night. Here's another shot of E.

My husband took this one. It's one of many shots he took that evening. I wanted one for my new website. It is so different being on that side of the camera!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up! I really miss the 365 project when I don't do it! Now that I'm caught up (sort of), I'm hope to keep updating it each day.
I like that last one of you! Hubby did a great job! :) What a rainstorm, too! Wow!
What a great shot of you and E!
Congratulations on being able to display your work - WTG!
Your hubby did a great job.
I like the feet in the rain. Wow flooding in the street is serious rain. Nice haircut too ;).
Looks like you've been busy with the website and displays. Exciting. A whole new level!
I don't know how I missed so many of your posts. I'm sorry!
I love the hair!! And your husband did great on that shot!
We had a rainstorm like that last Sunday, and I didn't think to get a shot of feet in the new "river." Of course, I was afraid to take my camera out in the rain, so that might be why. I love that shot!
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