Monday, June 29, 2009




I think going down the slide is M's favorite activity! She I just thrilled the whole time! I wasn't excited about the lighting so I tried gave this one the "old photo" effect.


We'll be going back .... I just love this setting! This was just a quick one on our way to go swimming.
I did take a few pics this week (wed-saturday) but just didn't spend a lot of time. I've been working on our home improvement projects this week and I've found that it's very hard to do it all! I'm hoping to be back to posting everyday now. I really miss the 365 blogging when I don't do it!


Eric L said...

Forgetting to post? Shame! We all remember :P Lol!

EtudeinLight said...

I especially like E in the birch trees and daisies-it looks Scandinavian. As far as posting goes-it seems summer is the best time for photos and the best time to relax and enjoy it-so maybe we should just take all the pictures and post during the long winter days. :)

Sandra said...

What great images - Teamwork is awesome and the "old photo" effect works wonderfully. Great job.